The calendar is where you can see an overall layout and summary of your properties, rooms, and bookings. It provides many options and navigating around the calendar is essential for any Booking Automation user.
Timespan - view a certain timeframe on the calendar
Calendar - see all of your bookings and rates
Room list - all of the rooms in the selected property, along with options for each room
Room list menu
The menu offers a variety of options available right on the calendar to assist you with day-to-day business and managing your listings.
Inventory - the number of rooms still available to sell
Override - place limitations on rooms for guests. These include options such as blackouts, which make the room unavailable, or "no check in", which prevents guests from booking a check-in on that day.
Daily price - separate from rates, daily prices are useful if hosts prefer updating their prices for certain occasions rather than a continuous price
Min stay - it is a limitation on how long the guest must stay in order to book the room
Price multiplier - Quick tool for adjusting the active price by a percentage.